6G World
Mobile & Computer Sales & Services * Mobile * Computer, Laptop * Accessories * Mobile & Computer Services
Welcome to the official website of 6G World. Located at Ramamurthy nagar, Bangalore, we are emerged as a renowned service provider for reparation, data recovery, software installation, hiring, installation and AMC job work. We are engaged in providing super safe, reliable and prompt services for our esteemed clients. We deal in variety of computers, laptops, mobile phones, tablets and its accessories and spare parts at best market prices. We also tend to provide maximum co-operation and practice fair business dealings with the clients to maintain long term relationships. We have come a long way and received commendable appreciation from the clients in various aspects of our business.
Mobile & Tablets
Mobiles Accessories
Desktops & Laptops
Desktop & laptop Accessories
Chip Level Services
Sales & Services of Printers